Become a contributor

Become a Death Care contributor today!

Death Care Industry is a growing platform that offers comprehensive and quality content to stimulate innovation and new developments in the global death care industry so professionals can succeed in helping families with end of life arrangements.

What is the contributor program?

We want to have leaders from all sectors contributing to creating a better environment in the death care industry. So if you feel like you can offer the industry some unique insights based on your expert experience then lets connect. Contributors will be able to share their knowledge by having approved content published onto the Death Care Industry site.

What type of content can I contribute?

We are looking for content that is going to engage with our audience and utilize your knowledge base. What information can you share from your experience that will add value to your professional community? Are you a mortician who is working to go green or or a death care marketer with tips on how to improve social media? Hypothetically no topic is off the table.

How to get started:

  1. Familiarize yourself with our writers guidelines
  2. Fill out our contributor application form. Expect to send the following information:
    • Your name & contact information
    • A summary of what you would like to write about, or a link to a google doc with the article.
  3. After you submit the form we will reach out to either confirm the topic or accept the article.

Benefits of contributing on death care industry

In addition to contributing to the betterment of the death care industry, we also promote you. Under each article will be your photo, name, title, company, company website and a brief description of who you are.

Rights of use

By submitting your content to us, you and or your organization will be granting us unlimited rights of use across multiple digital channels including web, social, email, mobile, and PDF. We also retain the right to edit for clarity, tone, and style. Please ensure that you have the right to grant the use for all content and materials that you provide. Please provide copyrights and rights of use for any images used.

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