Krueger family funeral home connects to the local community by sponsoring life saving initiatives

In Tomahawk, Winsconson, United States funeral director Karen Gauerke of the Krueger Family Funeral Home helps to save lives in the local community. The funeral home has a history of helping the community. Karen’s grandfather who started the funeral home was also involved in saving lives by using the hearse to run ambulance. 

The Krueger Family Funeral Home is sponsoring the app Vital ICE (In Case of Emergency). The app can be downloaded on a smartphone and helps in providing vital information to first responders.

The Krueger Family Funeral Home is a great example of how a funeral home can create a bond with the local community. Funeral homes throughout the world often struggle with their perception in the community. After all, no one really wants to be a customer at a funeral home. Great initiatives like the one in Tomahawk should be embraced by funeral homes world wide stimulated worldwide to do good in the community and change the often distorted perception of a funeral home.

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