Insurance company lists funniest funeral home names


There was a spoof in the UK where reporters mis-interepted data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) about March being the month most deaths occur. However, the data was incorrect and although March is the second most common month for a death to be registered, it is the third most common month of death. 

As most death care professionals are already aware, December and January continue to take the lead for the most deaths occurring. However, the non-traditional Life insurance company, Dead Happy, decided to cheer the public up by creating a list of funeral homes with nine of the most humorous names. The homes’ names mainly coincided with the last names of the directors, bringing back a simpler adolescent sense of humor.

Dead Happy’s funniest funeral home names 

Amigone Funeral Home

Slaughter & Son Funeral Directors

Hollarbach Funeral Home

Minge Funerals

Bruce & Stiff Funeral Home

Downer Funeral Home

Go As You Please Funerals

Resurrection Funeral Home

Cease Funeral

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