Louisiana makes steps to have statewide electronic advance planning

Care professionals continue to remind families and patrons about the importance of making end of life wishes known. However, it still remains a difficult conversation to have. One step towards making these wants known and recorded is creating an electronic collection that is connected to our account details. 

On Feb 19th,  Vynca, a leader in advance care planning technology, and the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum (Quality Forum) announced a partnership with Ochsner Health System, Louisiana’s largest non-profit academic healthcare system, to assist patients and their families with managing documents related to care decisions when faced with serious, life limiting illness.

The goal of the registry is to make advance care plans easily accessible to clinicians across the state and in all care settings, ensuring patients receive the end-of-life care they want throughout transitions of care.

Ochsner will be the first healthcare system to join the Quality Forum collaboration with Vynca to manage Louisiana’s statewide electronic Registry for the Louisiana Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (LaPOST) forms and advance directives.

According to the MD system chair of palliative medicine at Ochsner Susan Nelson ¨The partnership with Vynca and the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum, allows us to create momentum so that one day digital access for vital advance care planning documents will be the norm.”

An exciting opportunity care professionals everywhere will be watching, to see how future implementation and maintenance of the system is done. 

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