South Carolina funeral linked to 6 COVID-19 deaths


Funeral gathering directly linked to six deaths in South Carolina.

Just two weeks before the March 16th announcement from the Whitehouse, with guidelines recommending no more than ten people come together, a funeral was held infecting many and eventually killing six elderly South Carolina residents. 

The coroners involved said the deaths “almost certainly resulted from that funeral.” All six of the COVID-19 deceased were in two at-risk groups. They were all African Americans over 60 years old. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control has not commented on the matter. 

It is another example of how important service limitations and hygiene are in these times where the coronavirus is easily spread, especially at funerals

Officials from two of South Carolina’s major funeral home associations said that in recent weeks, funeral homes across the state are strongly encouraging services to be held in a manner that conforms to coronavirus distancing protocols, which call for small gatherings and keeping distance between people.

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