Unique ways to honor veterans’ ashes


Get inspired on ways to honor veterans

Military personnel have served their country and have a special role in society. Honoring deceased veterans can be a difficult challenge and should be customized to the departed and family’s needs and wants. Every year creatives find new ways to give closure to families and to allow for veterans to have the goodbyes they deserve. Expanding the ever-evolving death care profession into new custom opportunities.


Military plane ash scattering

Honor members of the air force by letting them take a final flight in an iconic military plane. Family and friends can gather and watch as the iconic military plane flys over a specified area and releases the loved ones on their final flight.



Light the sky with the most iconic visual of a nation’s pride, a firework show.  All branches on the military appreciate the glow of celebration, which they could now be a part of with fireworks incorporated with ashes. Memorial fireworks are a growing phenomenon and a beautiful show to celebrate a life with.


Burials at Sea

Those dedicated to protecting their nation through a life on the water have an affinity for the calming nature of the waves. Burials at sea allow the whole group to come together in an environment close to the departeds heart. An ideal resting spot for deceased Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard veterans.


National Anthem record 

Nothing rings truer to a veteran than their national anthem. The words nations were built on can also become the home of patriotic vets. Ashes can be infused onto a custom record. It could be the national anthem combined with words of wisdom from the departed themselves, or whatever feels right to the family. 


Scattering at an important battlefield or battleship

The war they fought may be over, but for vets the memories of the battle’s lost and won never die. And the bond of family they formed will always be a staple in their lives, even as they continue on as civilians. For some veterans, the best place to find their final solace is among their brothers and sisters who they lost. While laws vary from country to country families can look into venturing across the pond to reunite the ashes to a symbolic location in the vets’ lives.

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