The increased death count and regulations due to Covid-19 is creating pressure on the Italian death care industry. No services and immediate disposal is difficult for families and directors. Every 30 minutes a funeral is taking place in Bergamo, a…
Search Results For: italy
Italy suspends funerals to limit the spread of the coronavirus
Italy has imposed a country wide lock down after the government has stepped up its regulations concerning the coronavirus. The measures will last, at least, until the 3rd of April. Sports games and concerts are cancelled. Ski resorts, schools, universities, gyms,…
Chilean casket producer increased production by 120% after introducing the “COVID” casket model
The ‘COVID’ model is a simple casket made from an economic wood, without any detailed carvings, and glass viewing pains. Chile, which is currently a hotspot for the coronavirus, has stepped up with aggressive government regulations to get control of…
Swiss funeral directors left with hundreds of extra coffins
Funeral directors in Switzerland are stuck with a surplus of coffins since the virus didn’t hit the country as hard as expected. In March, Italy was the worldwide epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. With Italy just a short drive over…
The global rise of car accessible funeral services
Deaths caused by COVID-19 are forcing funeral home workers to think outside the box. How can they provide comfort to their clients when all the traditional methods are no longer possible due to mandated isolation policies? To help families and…
10 updates death care providers are making due to coronavirus
Funeral homes and those who work with individuals at the end of their life are facing new realities due to the rapid spread of coronavirus. Funeral homes are being forced to make unnatural amendments to their offerings that correspond to…
The Dutch attempt to prevent Italian Coronavirus ICU catastrophe
As the coronavirus continues spreading, the Netherlands is preparing for a scenario in which 50% to 60% of the population will get infected over time. In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Mark Rutten, announced that virologists expect that,…
First US state officially bans funerals and memorial services
Washington State Officials want it to be clear that funerals are considered “social gatherings” and are officially closed until the lockdown is lifted. Making it the first state in the US to officially ban services. Washington continues to have the…
Italian army helps overwhelmed funeral homes and crematories
Yesterday, the Italian government invoked the army as local Bergamo crematories and funeral homes can no longer handle the influx of deaths. Army trucks were used to transport the deceased to other nearby cities to be buried and or cremated. …
Italian protocols are leaving families trapped with the dead bodies of Covid-19 victims
To stop the spread of coronavirus the Italian government has implemented a countrywide lockdown. And while security protocols are helping deter the spread of the virus, it’s also leaving families trapped with the dead bodies of Covid-19 victims who die…