How businesses can manage bad online reviews
Businesses don’t have the luxury of ignoring bad online reviews anymore. Bad reviews turn away…

Help digitize WWI burial records
World War I enthusiasts started a project to create one of the best resources available…
Social Distancing is crashing death care stocks
New CDC Report links a funeral to the initial spread of the coronavirus in Chicago
When a family member visited from out of state for a funeral they comforted loved one’s and unknowingly spread the coronavirus not only to family, but started a chain of contagion in the city of Chicago. On April 8th the…
Corona takes its toll on incinerator causing it to catch on fire
A local crematory catches fire as a result of the heavy usage needed to cremate corona victims. At Cognetta’s Funeral Home in Stamford, Connecticut a crematory chamber caught fire due to the overheating of one of it’s two incinerators. The…
Egyptian villages riot against the burial of COVID19 victim out of fear of contamination
Fear of contamination from COVID-19 victims led to two villages protesting to try and block a mourning family from laying their deceased loved one to rest. A retired physician passed from COVID-19 and when her family went to their vault…
New York’s funeral care policy changes to keep up with the influx of deaths
New York officials work to find solutions for the growing number of COVID-19 deceased that require final resting places. To help funeral directors in handling the influx of bodies, New York officials are temporarily changing regulations. From allowing out of…
New Orleans establishes an official death care task force
As the infection and death rates across Louisiana continue to grow the Mayor of New Orleans LaToya Cantrell wants to create a high level of safety around the dealing of the COVID-19 deceased and as such has set up a…
Traditional Pyres no longer possible for Indian COVID-19 victims
The Delhi neighborhood of Punjabi Bagh public cremation grounds has decided to no longer allow a pyre service to anyone who is confirmed to have passed from COVID-19. In India it’s common that families take their departed home after a…
Death Care Industry
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Death Care Industry is a B2B media company focused on advancing the global death care industry through unbiased news, transparent data, insights on the market, and information about the innovations changing the industry. Our goal is to encourage international collaboration for all sectors of the death care industry and inspire new ways of working together in order to help professionals assist families and individuals with their end of life choices.